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Wątek zamknięty
The Dark Alliance vs. Chorągiew Litewska
Time: 21.10.2019 - 27.10.2019
Frakcje | Factions:
Wojsko Zaporoskie vs. Rzeczpospolita
(Cossack Hetmanate vs. Polish Commonwealth )
Rzeczpospolita vs. Królestwo Szwecji
(Polish Commonwealthn vs. Kingdom of Sweden)
Reprezentanci klanów zobowiązani są wskazać termin spotkania z wybranymi mapami, przedstawić wynik wraz z załączonymi zdjęciami z meczu oraz ID biorących udział zawodników.
Representatives of the clans are obliged to deliver the date of the match, chosen maps, score with screens from the match and IDs of the team members that took part in the match.
Steam: Nesquik89
Date: 26.10.2019 (Saturday)
Time: 19:30 German Time (CET)
TDA-Map: Fortified Town
TDA-Ban: Road in the Forest
ChL-Map: Marketplace
ChL-Ban: Khutor (steppe farmstead?)
+ We will play our Official against PL that we were not able to Play in Week 5 at Friday (25.10.2019) 20:00 German Time.
same maps and factions like in the week we would have played normally.
Stand UP! Speak UP! Never Give UP!
14:2 for TDA
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Wątek zamknięty
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