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#1 2019-10-14 22:37:56

Skąd: Poznań
Dołączył: 2017-11-09
Liczba postów: 363
Klan/Clan: AK
Miasto/City: Poznań
Windows 7Firefox 69.0

Królewski Pułk Pancernych vs. The Dark Alliance

Królewski Pułk Pancernych vs. The Dark Alliance


Time: 14.10.2019 - 20.10.2019

Frakcje | Factions:
Rzeczpospolita vs. Chanat Krymski
(Polish Commonwealth vs. Crimean Khanate)
Królestwo Szwecji vs. Wojsko Zaporoskie
(Kingdom of Sweden vs. Cossack Hetmanate)

Reprezentanci klanów zobowiązani są wskazać termin spotkania z wybranymi mapami, przedstawić wynik wraz z załączonymi zdjęciami z meczu oraz ID biorących udział zawodników.

Representatives of the clans are obliged to deliver the date of the match, chosen maps, score with screens from the match and IDs of the team members that took part in the match.

Steam: Nesquik89


#2 2019-10-18 20:43:02

Dołączył: 2019-07-10
Liczba postów: 12
Klan/Clan: TDA
WindowsChrome 77.0.3865.120

Odp: Królewski Pułk Pancernych vs. The Dark Alliance

Date: 19.10.2019
Time: 20:00 German/Polish Time (CET)

TDA-Map: Hillroad
TDA-Ban: Arena
KPP-Map: ?
KPP-Ban: Village by the River

KPP didn't react to our tries to contact them about their map and we already play tomorrow. They wrote me on Wednesday they would tell me their map yesterday (17.10.2019). We would like to admit a default win if we dont get any answer till tomorrow 18:00 CET.

Anyway GL & HF!

Wiadomość dodana po 41 min 38 s:

DarkAllianceHaakon napisał/a:

Date: 19.10.2019
Time: 20:00 German/Polish Time (CET)

TDA-Map: Hillroad
TDA-Ban: Arena
KPP-Map: ?
KPP-Ban: Village by the River

KPP didn't react to our tries to contact them about their map and we already play tomorrow. They wrote me on Wednesday they would tell me their map yesterday (17.10.2019). We would like to admit a default win if we dont get any answer till tomorrow 18:00 CET.

Anyway GL & HF!

demand default win* ofc

Yup, 16-0 for TDA by walkover / FortunA

Stand UP! Speak UP! Never Give UP!


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