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Delta Szwadron Super Cool Komando Wilków Alfa vs Ealdorman of Asgard
Time: 05.10.2018 - 07.10.2018
Frakcje | Factions:
Wojsko Zaporoskie vs Chanat Krymski
(Cossack Hetmanate vs Crimean Khanate)
Księstwo Moskiewskie vs Królestwo Szwecji
(Muscovite Tsardom vs Kingdom of Sweden)
Liderzy zainteresowanych klanów proszeni są o podanie terminu oraz wybranych map, a następnie wyniku meczu z dołączonym screen'em wszystkich spawnów oraz ID graczy.
We play Sunday at 20
DSSCKWA Map: Tatar Town
EoA Map : Marketplace
Ostatnio edytowany przez CyCu (2018-10-04 23:02:06)
Result of the match: walcover for DSSCKWA
I resp:
ye we accept this. Also that we stop playing in this. Since the first round our Referee interruptet. 1. Example: Round startet and almost before Flag spawns, the Judge said "STOP! HELLBOY AND ERIK ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO PLAY" - infact they Play since the first match. The game continued by sentences whats allowed and what not and all those stuff. Ask Fortuna. he said it was crap aswell. I dont continue this now. We stopped playing after get kicked and interrupter by a Judge 4 times. Walkover for them and EoA disbanned now from League. Gl
- End of WFaS Community.
Yeah, there was kinda a normal match, and then well, the match ended despite both sides wanted to continue.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Draco (2018-10-07 22:12:53)
Expected moves and behaviour from Polish side as always. Sad for you Enex.
Ostatnio edytowany przez Dag (2018-10-08 09:51:10)
@Enex I am sorry that course of this match was so unfortunate, but pelase understand our point of view.
Erik is signed in your roster as Egil.
GermanLancer played before as PolnischLancer and here you have signed him as "Senate"
RobloxLegend69 is signed as Chanmati
Croxy wasn't signed at all with this nick nor id. There is no such player here, here, here and here.
And referee had to check if every player was allowed to play (on both sides). If refree must check your players by ID (because some players change nicks every match) it's a lot easier for him to make mistakes. And please be honest - if match was already delayed, were you willig to wait another 5-10 minutes for referee to check all players' IDs? Or maybe referees should check players after the match and just give autowin if something isn't right? Everybody were already impatient, that's why referee had to do it during match. And checking is necessarily, because you tryed to put the player that is not allowed to play on this match (Croxy).
Everything would be a lot easier if you just run your roster precisely.
//Stop offtopic DAG - Twiniu
Steam: Nesquik89
//I have removed you post because this is topic about DSSCKWA vs EoA. If you has nothing to say on the topic, you can create your own topic and moan about league there. Next posts that are not connected to match's topic will be removed. Moreover if you say that rules are shit better say also which rule you think is "shit" and why do you think it's "shit" - Twiniu
Ostatnio edytowany przez Dag (2018-10-08 15:28:52)
@Enex I am sorry that course of this match was so unfortunate, but pelase understand our point of view.
Erik is signed in your roster as Egil.
GermanLancer played before as PolnischLancer and here you have signed him as "Senate"
RobloxLegend69 is signed as Chanmati
Croxy wasn't signed at all with this nick nor id. There is no such player here, here, here and here.And referee had to check if every player was allowed to play (on both sides). If refree must check your players by ID (because some players change nicks every match) it's a lot easier for him to make mistakes. And please be honest - if match was already delayed, were you willig to wait another 5-10 minutes for referee to check all players' IDs? Or maybe referees should check players after the match and just give autowin if something isn't right? Everybody were already impatient, that's why referee had to do it during match. And checking is necessarily, because you tryed to put the player that is not allowed to play on this match (Croxy).
Everything would be a lot easier if you just run your roster precisely.
//Stop offtopic DAG - Twiniu
Ok. lets see. So Erik plays since the last 2 matches as Erik2703. You already noticed and ALREADY wrote it that way into our clangallery part. thats why i didnt pay attention on this example e.g.
Even if i think its logical to compare german rather polish lancer as one single person he also was listed by your forumadmin on the clangallery as a single player. Senate wasnt in the clangallery. there was already polishlancer listed with his ID.
Another point to not care for this case, too.
This Robolegend - Chanmati stuff isnt hard to explain. Ask every member in our clan who partcipated. I did my job to tell chanmati to change his name for league matches, but his explaination was that a good Ref has to check IDs before match and if i (EnEx) have the work to collect every single ID for a Game which supposed to give you only fun, not work, then my name isnt important. they can check it and then im fine. Well.. im just a man like every other over here. I would never rage coz of a game tag - but i told him aswell that he is responsible for this when there is any problem with.
Croxy played for us, but not on league matches. I talked to sierzant if its ok to bring him with me when i collect his ID before. My bet was accepted. But well to be honest i forgot to write his ID down at transfers.
But my thought was that there is the rule that both clans can accept players which IDs are not confirmed.
Nobody gave me any information that this rule was changed?! coz in the last match vs Hyrule the rule was ok and nobody said anything against this. Well thats not fair for me aswell as it seems right? And all what is explained no, all we are writing happend untill i had to lead the first 4 rounds. A good preparation means to care about important stuff like this before the match. we were on Time (20:00) but startet 20 mins later. He had as much time he can get to check all those stuff. If not, ask us. but dont kick guys during a match. Also the judge was so busy checking IDs he didnt even checked that some musketieres standing on a wall glitch aswell. If this game were played and counted as a normall game, we would have problems at this point anyway now.
Last point is, that i have excuse we didnt manage our forum acc here good, but just because its mostly on polish if youre not registert like me and its for us not necessery. Thats why i told all of you admins of league weeks ago, that if there is any problem with players, look at our steamgroup. we keep everything there up to date and therefore you would have seen croxy already played for us. but nvm. We have the job to be carefully more in future and you guys have the job to not feel that important at matches, when other guys just wanna have fun at some competitive sh*t, and prepare more about those stuff happend yesterday.
Wiadomość dodana po 24 min 40 s:
We accept that the league changed this opinion and sierziant and twiniu feel sry bout what happend. Mchard didnt did.
All in all we also accept that we are going to stay in league now.
14:2 for DSSCKWA
2 spawn
3 spawn
4 spawn
Steam: Nesquik89
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