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Wątek zamknięty
Barabe vs The Dark Alliance
Time: 30.04.2018 - 6.05.2018
Frakcje | Factions:
Księstwo Moskiewskie vs Wojsko Zaporoskie
(Moscovite Tsardom vs Cossacks)
Rzeczpospolita vs Szwecja
(Poland vs Sweden)
Liderzy zainteresowanych klanów proszeni są o podanie terminu oraz wybranych map, a następnie wyniku meczu z dołączonym screen'em.
Steam: Nesquik89
Autowin for TDA
TDA 15-1 Barabe
Village By the River
1 spawn … 183AB83F6/
2 spawn … 300416.jpg
After first map Barabe throw the game.
Map TDA?
Map TDA?
We did not play it
We trolled a bit on the first due to not having enough players and then gave then walkover
Playing on a thursday sucks
co za ludzie..z nami nie mogli grać w jedną niedzielę, bo mieli wtedy umówiony mecz z tda, a teraz się okazuje, że grali z tda w czwartek...
co za ludzie..z nami nie mogli grać w jedną niedzielę, bo mieli wtedy umówiony mecz z tda, a teraz się okazuje, że grali z tda w czwartek...
Can you maybe write english pls?
From what google translate tells me:
We had to play until thursday, so we had to do it there.
And what is your problem, I told you we play on this Sunday even though we would have liked to play against TDA there.
And because of you we had to delay our match again so we had to do it on a Thursday
You got your autowin anyways so be happy with 5 th place
Ostatnio edytowany przez Barabe_RandaL (2018-06-01 12:54:11)
Sierzant napisał/a:Map TDA?
We did not play it
We trolled a bit on the first due to not having enough players and then gave then walkoverPlaying on a thursday sucks
But they must give their map for statistics. In Champion's Round maps don't reset. Even though you didn't play it, it still counts as "chosen map". For the same reason Barabe should write which map have have chosen against SL.
Haakon told ma, that TDA had taken Threnches
Steam: Nesquik89
TDA 15-1 Barabe
Village By the River
1 spawn … 183AB83F6/
2 spawn … 300416.jpg
After first map Barabe throw the game.
TDA's map is Trenches.
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Wątek zamknięty