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Hi guys, is it allowed to use texture mods?
Since Kowal for exampled painted the armor in a light green so it can be seen much better.
Also he colored his muskets in a color which can be found on the ground easily.
Both things can be seen on his screenshots he posted on the Darkillusion vs SL match.
In the end it would also be allowed to paint bullets in a pink so you can find bullets on the grund easily etc. then etc.
In warband it was even prohibited to paint javelins pink and a player got banned for many matches.
In the end it is an unfair advantage when it comes to visibility which should not be allowed by the rules and also by common sense.
(10. Modifications with texture files that have an impact on improving visibility from the player's perspective are forbidden. )
Would be nice to hear a statement about this rule
LOL. It is allowed to paint bullets. I paint weapons for fun like SKINS IN CS GO. And armor is because game is very boring. are u mad or what?It doesnt influence the level of gameplay so this topic is for me closed.
You canNOT edit bushes,smoke,buildings,markings and other map objects.
Also marking of heads etc. is not allowed, so not only map objects
Painting armor provides a better visibility of the enemies and painting bullets and muskets makes it really easy to find them when they are on the ground, which is an advantage.
Simply coloring your armor with a light green does not really look like normal skin you'd normaly use because of the looks^^
A warband player got banned from several tournaments because of his "javelin skins".
It is common sense that it should not be allowed, lol
I think Randal is right. It's much easier to see troops on long distance.
It's not fair but cuz you can not prevent that.Also certain players use other 'kits and tools' but you still cannot prevent that on native.
Yes, it is not possible to prevent it except asking other players to take screens etc. which is allowed.
But usually it is not possible to prevent it, that is right.
But rules are rules, they exist for a reason
as far as I remember , modyfing item kinds is disallowed too...
Yes, it is written down in the ruleset and it can also be seen with screenshots.
But there are not many situations that people have to take screens tho
Well, if there's a written rule here on the page... yeah
Yes, it is written down in the ruleset and it can also be seen with screenshots.
But there are not many situations that people have to take screens tho
Same with texture noticed that only because kowal forgot about that.
Maybe you didn't noticed that in game but your opponent can still have advantage over you.
Maybe you didn't noticed that in game but your opponent can still have advantage over you.
Lol I know
But still it is not allowed and in my eyes should be punished when seeing someone using any kind of such advantages which are made in the game files
Kim ty jestes billy? Bo widze, ze masz polski adres email
I changed the colors to normal visibility for you, to stop make you cry But colored weapons stay because they are like skins for me.
Kim ty jestes billy? Bo widze, ze masz polski adres email
Muszę się legitymować by brać udział w otwartej dyskusji?
Well, I show my reference to this situation. Since previous season when we were creating whole system on Forum etc.. We have been asked what is our position to colored textures. We said (means Alex and I) [plus I was creator of the rules] it's fine to play with. I thought it's just some fun addon to the game, which makes it fresh or interesting view at game, so why not if players are creative. This is the first time when I see, that using this made a controversy. In my opinion everybody has right, because:
,,Modifications with texture files that have an impact on improving visibility from the player's perspective are forbidden.
We are talking about the textures of trees, smokes, bushes and markings of heads."
I think, if we want to resolve that problem it is necessary to congress The League Council (5 Councillors and people who are interested in.) It's a very important issue and we will try to find some good date for the meeting.
We are planning to congress The League Council on tommorow at 7 PM (UTC +1). We are on AK'ts:
Poprzednia zasada zakładała zakaz posiadania zmodyfikowanych tekstur krzaków oraz stogów siana. Podczas Zebrania Rady, postanowiono, że wszelka ingerencja tekstur, która stanowi element przewagi nad drugim graczem zostanie surowo zakazana. Wraz ze zmianą punktu w Regulaminie, Rada zwraca uwagę na fakt, że kolor kul oraz strzał będzie również zaliczany jako zmodyfikowana tekstura, która będzie działać wbrew zasadom gry fair play. Gracz przyłapany na korzystaniu ze zmodyfikowanych tekstur zostanie wykluczony na czas grania kolejnego meczu (zasada dotyczy przeprowadzonych meczy.) W przypadku ponownej próby gry na zmienionych teksturach, sprawą gracza zajmie się Rada Ligi.
The last rule forbids to color and to modify textures of bushes and haystacks. Today the Council of the League decided that every interference into textures giving advantage over opponents is from this day (16.04.18) on forbidden. With the change of this point of our rules in League Regulations, the Council also reminds that changing color of the bullets and arrows is also forbidden. Player who will be caught on using modified textures will be banned for playing the next match. If he will be caught on using forbidden textures for the second time, the case will be solved by the Council.
//trochę poprawiłem, bo były błędy, pozdrawiam Kowal
Tłumaczenie dzięki uprzejmości Tytusa.
Thanks guys for the good decision
What's about other stuff ?
,,Today Council of the League decided that every interference into textures that can make advantage over opponents its from this day forbidden."
Every its open catalogue so armors, weapons, every texture that you modified its forbidden.
Ale można używać inne normalne celowniki?Na przykłąd trójkąt? To nie daje żadnej przewagi (im asking for using alternative crosshairs which doesnt give any advantage)
Alternative crosshairs are allowed, because it only makes a visual effect, so it doesn't affect on your gameplay with other players without modified crosshairs.
Strony: 1
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