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Wątek zamknięty
Darkillusion vs Steel Legion
Time: 8.04.2018 - 14.04.2018
Frakcje | Factions:
Wojsko Zaporoskie vs Księstwo Moskiewskie
(Cossacs vs Moscow)
Królestwo Szwecji vs Rzeczpospolita
(Sweden vs Poland)
Obie strony sie zgodzily zagrac mecz wczesniej.
Both sides agreed to play this match in the spring break.
Sunday 01.04.2018
Cossacs vs Moscow - Village by the river
Sweden vs Poland - Tatar Town
Wiadomość dodana po 2 h 56 min 57 s:
Steel Legion 12:4Darkillusion
GG WPthanks for match!
//Wątek przeniesiony - Twiniu
Is it allowed to paint the armors, so you can see the enemies better and painting muskets so you can see them better when they lay on the ground?
I remember someone being banned from warband tournaments for using pink javelins
Wiadomość dodana po 37 min 14 s:
10. Modifications with texture files that have an impact on improving visibility from the player's perspective are forbidden. We are talking about the textures of trees, smokes, bushes and markings of heads.
I guess this texture changes give advantages to the player using it...
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Wątek zamknięty